Download the UBS Mobile Banking app
Scan the QR code and download the app.

Download the Access App and activate the secure login
Scan the QR code and download the app.

Log in and set up the app
Log in to Mobile Banking using the Access App.
Don't have a UBS account yet or have you only used E-Banking so far? Simply download the UBS Mobile Banking app and get started right away.
Scan the QR code and download the app.
Scan the QR code and download the app.
Log in to Mobile Banking using the Access App.
To ensure you can also use digital banking for your company, simply open a business account online and get started right away.
Did you know that UBS My Way is also available in your Mobile Banking app? Check on the performance of your portfolio modules, increase your investment amount or discover new investment ideas – easily and at any time on your smartphone.
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