Support charitable projects directly
Lack of prospects for young people, poverty and environmental pollution are also a problem in Switzerland. UBS Benefizia Suisse helps donors use their funds effectively to tackle these challenges.

UBS has been committed to charitable causes for over 25 years, including with the UBS Optimus Foundation, the UBS Philanthropy Foundation and as a pioneer in corporate volunteering. “The need to do good is deeply rooted in people,” says Curdin Duschletta, Head of Social Impact & Philanthropy Switzerland at UBS. “Some want to get things moving during their lifetime. Others want to make a positive impact with their legacy.” UBS Benefizia Suisse is a simple and direct way to support impactful projects run by various organizations. Interested parties can either make a general donation or choose one of the three thematic portfolios – equal opportunities, environment & climate or social affairs. A team of experts allocates the donations to the projects that need them most urgently.