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It does not take much to put your money towards a good cause. What do you personally want to change and what is important to you? Find out how you can make an impact with your philanthropic commitment.
What would you like to change in the world?
Before starting any philanthropic activity, the main question to answer is what you want to change. To obtain greater clarity about where and how you can make a meaningful contribution, it is helpful to answer these questions:
The answers to these questions will bring you a little closer to discovering what sort of project might be particularly appropriate for you. Because philanthropy is like almost everything else in life: your own gut instinct plays a key role. But as is so often the case, you shouldn’t rely solely on gut instinct. A philanthropic commitment requires a clear vision and a good plan. You are more likely to find the necessary staying power if you can stand behind the cause and have a long-term vision for the philanthropic project.
Define your philanthropic vision
Once you know what is close to your heart, it helps to define a kind of vision, and even put it in writing, so that you can substantiate your wishes and goals. It is both idealistic and long term, and serves as inspiration and motivation that will drive forward your philanthropic endeavors. Again, certain questions can help to define your vision:
Consider the initial draft of your vision as a working document. After all, a pointed, inspiring vision can’t be formulated overnight. So don’t rush into anything and remember that a vision is never fundamentally right or wrong – because it represents your own philanthropic ideas and aspirations.
Find a suitable approach and the right strategy for your vision
As in other areas of life, a vision needs a strategy to be implemented effectively. There are basically three different approaches available to you:
Set clear goals for your philanthropic work based on the chosen approach. Keep the same question at the heart of everything you do: what do I want to achieve as a result of my commitment? With this goal in mind, you can then define appropriate activities. Use sources of information such as associations (e.g. SwissFoundations), discussions with those affected or existing organizations, initiatives in your area of interest or with other philanthropists. And you can also draw on the knowledge of philanthropy experts, e.g. those at UBS
Keep a constant eye on the impact of your commitment
Once you have adopted a vision, chosen an approach and defined a strategy, you can embark on your philanthropic journey. The following tips will help you to achieve the desired effect:
And finally: enjoy the journey! Passion and joy are the essence of effective philanthropy.
Would you like to delve even deeper into the subject of philanthropy? You will find useful information about philanthropy and be able to contact our experts on the UBS philanthropy website.
Our real estate expert Katharina Hofer provides an insight into the development of prices and demand on the Swiss real estate market.
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How you can get involved in philanthropy – tips on choosing a project, setting up a foundation and ending your commitment.
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