Collective management
With a team of specialized managers based in Paris, UBS La Maison de Gestion offers you its expertise in both asset allocation and stock and fund selection.
Private management
Through securities accounts, French PEAs, life insurance policies and funds, we offer our clients financial management based on the proximity and expertise of our management teams.
Collective management
Our in-depth knowledge of all asset classes means we can offer conviction-based management of equities and bonds, and across the entire credit and interest rate market.
We have a decade of macroeconomic and market analysis insights which have enabled us to develop our expertise in diversified and flexible management.
All this, combined with our team’s long experience in using the latest techniques to fine-tune risk and volatility, have contributed to our strong track record.
Private management
Our priority:
- Long-term capital preservation and growth through diversified asset management in equities, bonds and other asset classes, including non-traditional ones.
- Investment in the real economy: we focus on listed companies with strong growth prospects and experienced management teams.
Collective management
Active, diversified and flexible management make up our range of funds and reflect our long-term investment philosophy, whether you are an individual investor, a private manager or an institutional investor.
Equity management
Conviction-based management combining expert stock picking and a market momentum approach. To achieve this, our investment manager and analysts draw on leading research departments, while strengthening their knowledge of companies through regular meetings with their executives.
Interest Rate and Credit Management
Bond-picking management using all available instruments, in the Eurozone and the rest of the world, to seize opportunities in an increasingly complex market.
Diversified management
Complementary asset strategies with a long track record, combined with rigorous and precise risk management monitoring, including:
Private management
Our discretionary management comprises two complementary approaches that can be combined:
Sustainable investing
Bringing sustainability into your investment journey
Active advisory
You set the goal, we implement it together
The price and value of investments and income derived from them can go down as well as up. You may not get back the amount originally invested.
UBS does not provide tax or legal advice. You should consult your independent tax/legal advisor for specific advice before entering into or refraining from entering into any services or investments.