Ultra high net worth individuals

We understand your goals, passions and ambitions and deliver individualized solutions for you and your family. Managing wealth is our craft.  


Looking after your wealth demands time, dedication and passion. 

As a leading and truly global wealth manager, present in every major market, we connect you with the best specialists to provide you with expert advice, resources and services to fulfil your personal aspirations.

Explore this site to find out more about just some of the questions our team of global experts can help you answer.

Our UHNW solutions

Bespoke solutions, tailored advice and specialist expertise at your fingertips

Investment portfolio

We provide investment strategies and top-class services aligned with your goals. Our solutions are as follows:

  • Tailored investment solutions (Discretionary, Advisory)
  • Sustainable and impact investing
  • Selected investments (Hedge funds, Investment funds, Cash management)
  • UBS Asset Servicing
  • Post Trade Services
  • Performance and risk analytics platform

Crafting your financial vision

Financial advice for what matters most to you

Our leading insights

We’re uniquely placed to draw on our knowledge and experience to give our clients unmatched intelligence to inform their financial decisions. Explore our flagship reports for a unique window into the trends that promise to have a significant impact on the changing world of wealth.

Global Family Office 2024

Global Family Office Report 2024

Our annual Global Family Office Report is the most comprehensive study of single family offices worldwide. In its latest edition the report focuses on 320 of the world’s largest single family offices and covers a total net worth of USD 608 billion, with the individual families’ net worth averaging USD 2.6 billion.

Sunset on Iceland

Billionaire Ambitions Report 2024

This tenth-anniversary edition looks back over the report’s discoveries the past 10 years to identify the key developments in billionaire wealth. Our billionaire clients also contributed to the making of this edition: we asked them to give us their opinions about legacy, impact and investments for the third year in a row.

Sunlight Mountain Peaks Landscape

Global Entrepreneur Report 2025

This is the first UBS report which has actively surveyed the opinions of entrepreneurs in our client base and our Industry Leader Network, soliciting their views on a wide range of key developments that may shape the growth of their industries and their personal wealth including investments, hiring, risks and global trends.

Beyond markets

Hear from renowned experts on the issues shaping the fast-changing global economic landscape

curved copper building

Family office insights

Interview series on the latest trends in the family office space

Couple in car racing

Classic car insights

Interview series about the fascinating world of motorsport and classic cars


Philanthropy insights

Interview series on the latest trends in the philanthropy space

Ready to start a conversation?

We look forward to speaking with you.

The price and value of investments and income derived from them can go down as well as up. You may not get back the amount originally invested.