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4Q outlook: Rates, votes, and volatility

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As we look ahead into the fourth quarter of the year, rates, votes, and volatility will be in focus—all of which could affect investment outcomes. Here are the main questions:

How fast will rates fall?

The Federal Reserve, amongst other central banks, has made its first interest rate cut of the cycle, and we believe more cuts are likely to follow. Investors should consider moving excess cash, money-market holdings, and expiring fixed-term deposits into assets that can provide more durable income.

How will the presidential election affect markets?

Entering the final weeks of the US election campaign, the race for the presidency is still too close to call. Stocks typically rise both before and after US elections. However, potential changes to trade, foreign, or tax policy could introduce volatility. Hedging strategies can help manage potential risks.

Is the US headed for a recession?

Entering the final weeks of the US election campaign, the race for the presidency is still too close to call. Stocks typically rise both before and after US elections. However, potential changes to trade, foreign, or tax policy could introduce volatility. Hedging strategies can help manage potential risks.

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