Tools and calculators

Inform your financial decisions

Use our wide range of helpful tools and clever financial calculators to help you make the right decision for you.

Bear market calculator

Bear market calculator

Ready to stress test your portfolio?

Duration: 1-2 minutes

Can you achieve your financial goals?

Game - Achieve your goals

Can you achieve your financial goals?

Duration: 3- 4 minutes

Timing the market tool to help you decide to stay invested or exit the market

Training – Timing the market

How well can you time the market?

Duration: 1-2 minutes

US economic cycle tool showing the US GDP growth, unemployment, inflation and interest rates

Tool – Economic cycles

Can you predict what will happen next?

Duration: 1 minute

Hedge funds performance during past economic downturns

Tool – Hedge funds

How have hedge funds performed over time?

Duration: 2-3 minutes

Representation of financial markets reaction to geopolitical events in the past

Tool – Financial markets

Can you identify market reactions?

Duration: 3-4 minutes

Sustainable living and investing quiz

Quiz – Sustainable investing

What is sustainable investing?

Duration: 1-2 minutes

Quiz to test your knowledge of millennials lifestyle

Game – Demographics

How well do you know Millennials?

Duration: 2-3 minutes

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