Meet our clients Leslie, Victoria and Max’ story

The beauty of giving back quietly

How our clients are pursuing their purpose by creating a better world

A mother, cousin and son traveled to Africa to understand how their social impact investments could move the educational needle in Ghana. They unexpectedly learned something far more fundamental – who they are as a family.

Asian business women

Clients talking purpose

Our UBS purpose is the North Star that guides us and guides others to us. Being close to our clients allows us to present them with ways to navigate volatility and meet their financial goals. At the same time, it allows us to listen to them – and their insights are fascinating.

In an interview series we’re talking to our clients to find out how they are pursuing their purpose. We hope their personal stories and insights inspire you to reimagine how the power of investing and interpersonal connections can help you create a better world; for yourself, for the ones you love, for the planet, and for all.

Want to make an impact?

UBS is dedicated to finding innovative ways to tackle some of the world’s most pressing social and environmental problems. Building on our 20-year track record and applying an investment-based approach, our global team makes it simpler for you and your family to manage your philanthropy and maximize your impact.

Woman on top of the hill

Our UBS purpose story

At UBS we’re reimagining the power of people and capital to create a better world for all of us.

Family walking on the beach

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Man walking on beach

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