On the minds of investors

Our latest research, insights and events about what matters to you

We want to know what investors like you are thinking because it helps our thinking.

Here’s what our latest surveys reveal about how investors feel about the stock market, policy, their portfolio and what’s most important right now. These insights can help us guide you to smart investment decisions​

UBS Investor Sentiment

Balancing act

US investors weigh recession and election concerns with improving stock market

  • 0 %

    think we’ll be in a recession by year-end

  • 0 %

    are optimistic about the stock market and almost a third say they will increase investments if the market goes up or down by 10%

  • 0 %

    Say the economy is the top election issue

UBS Trending: Investor Sentiment

Watch as Jason Chandler, Head, WM USA and Nadia Lovell, Senior US Equity Strategist, Chief Investment Office, dig into the latest UBS Investor Sentiment survey. The latest results showed a multi-layered story... fears of recession and inflation were cause for concern, but optimism rose over due to strong demand for goods and receding COVID-19 fears. With this conflicting news, investors are seeking more advice than ever before, and we’re here to provide it.

UBS Investor Watch - October 2022

Share it well

Discussing and dividing wealth across generations


of investors do not have a formal wealth transfer plan in place

1 in 4

investors had conflicts among heirs over inheritance

6 in 10 

agree having a written wealth plan can break down barriers

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