Our events

To meet our clients, we regularly organise market and investment conferences, meetings with UBS experts, as well as exclusive art and cultural events.  

Financial Market Updates

We hold regular meetings across the country with our Chief Investment Office and our experts and analysts to share updates and insights on financial markets, investment opportunities and broader issues that may impact investment decisions

Meetings for entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs represent the majority of our customers.  We know their world and their needs well, and we dedicate a series of specific initiatives to them.

We offer meetings with UBS Research analysts on specific economies and sectors to gain insight into the present and anticipate future trends, as well as to assess key impacts on the industry and make more informed decisions about your investments and companies' growth strategies. These are moments that encourage the sharing of valuable information, but also the possibility of nurturing one's network and the exchange of experiences and opportunities. 

We are also promoters of the Italian Family Business Ambassador, an initiative aimed at recognizing and rewarding the best family businesses capable of distinguishing themselves in the area on issues of growth, use of family capital, impact on the economy and society.

Exclusive art and culture events

Wealth is not just about numbers. But also knowledge, values and passions.

In our day-to-day business, we naturally devote most of our time to working with clients on financial issues and their investments. However, over time we have developed expertise and meeting platforms on topics as diverse as art, music, classic cars and collectibles. And every day we also rediscover our values in the interests of our customers: passion, care and attention. 

A few examples?

Women observing art


Our commitment to art translates into a rich program of initiatives, including the UBS Art Collection, recognized as one of the most significant corporate collections of contemporary art in the world, our partnership with Art Basel, the globally recognized contemporary art fair, and collaborations with some of the most iconic museums and institutions around the world.

In Italy we support and promote art initiatives through partnerships with prestigious museums, institutions and art foundations, allowing us to organize previews, exclusive events and unique experiences for our clients.

Teatro alla scala

La Scala Theatre

For many years we have been supporters of the Teatro Alla Scala and the "Great Pianists at La Scala" concert series. A well-established partnership that allows us to access previews, exclusive visits, operas and concerts.

Formula one car on a race track near UBS logo

Sporting events

We are present at major sporting events around the world through support programs for young talents, partnerships and sponsorships to share with our customers our great sporting passions.


Classic Cars

The passion for the world of classic cars is also realized through the sponsorship of the Classic Car Auction Yearbook, considered the "Bible" of the collector car market. It is based on the sales results of the most important international auctions written by Adolfo Orsi, historian of Italian motoring and famous expert on collector's cars. Thanks to this collaboration, we organize meetings dedicated to the presentation of the book. 

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