Slowing climate change is one of the top goals of the United Nations. Watch the video to see how father-and-son-team Rob and Barney Swan risked their lives to spur action. If you want to join the fight, UBS can help. You’ll like the results, and you won’t sacrifice returns.

Putting the brakes on climate change

If global warming rises above 1.5 degrees, ice melts. Drought deprives us of fresh water. Whole species become extinct.

Sustainable investing can help.

Sustainability in action

Fresh perspectives

Before you start…

There are some things to consider before beginning your sustainable investing journey

sustainable investing

ما هو الاستثمار المستدام؟ 

إن لم تكن متأكداً من الجواب، فأنت لست لوحدك! إن 74% من المستثمرين في المملكة العربية السعودية أقرّوا بعدم فهمهم للاستثمار المستدام.1 لكننا سنقوم بتوضيح الأمر لك.

Sustainable solutions

حلول مستدامة

لديك من الخيارات أكثر مما تظن، وفعلياً، بإمكان محفظتك أن تصبح مستدامة بشكل كامل.4

Why UBS?

We want to shape the future of sustainable investing. Why? Because we believe these investments can deliver returns with less risk to your money. We are also confident that sustainable investing will soon become the world's most widely accepted way of investing.2, 3

Furthermore, as the world's leading wealth manager,4 we feel responsible for helping change things for the better. We have the capital, solutions and expertise to make a big difference globally.

These aren’t just words. We walk the talk. In 2017, we pledged to support our clients in investing USD 5 billion into impact investments over the next five years. And you’ll always have a team of sustainable investing experts helping you do more for your finances and the world.

We drive change

We drive change

How UBS is making a difference in the world

We support global visionaries

We support global visionaries

Insights from thought leaders whose work is shaping our future.

We bring people together

We bring people together

Insights from UBS Investment Summit Davos 2018

Is your portfolio having the impact you want?

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