Congress averted a shutdown on Saturday with the enactment of a continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government for another 45 days. The new deadline for the enactment of a federal budget has been pushed to 17 November. The CR passed both chambers on a bipartisan basis but omitted additional money for border protection and aid for Ukraine, which remain contentious policy issues. The campaign season is underway, but deferral of final action on the budget will preoccupy members of Congress for another month.

The election campaign was overshadowed this week by a motion in the House of Representatives to “vacate the chair.” The unprecedented removal of Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) as speaker in a roll-call vote on Tuesday is expected to lead to time-consuming negotiations over the election of new GOP leadership in the House and could result in additional delays in enacting a budget for fiscal year 2024.

While the lower chamber of Congress attempts to get its own house in order, the candidates for president will continue their quest for the nomination.

What to know before the 2024 presidential election

The 2024 presidential election is more than a year away. However, it’s never too early to keep an eye on how it could impact policy and investments.

In this episode of UBS Trending, Tom McLoughlin, Head of Fixed Income and Municipal Securities, and Nadia Lovell, Senior Equity Strategist, sit down with host Anthony Pastore to discuss.

Four tips for navigating the upcoming campaign

Despite a persistently low public approval rating, President Joe Biden has reiterated his intent to seek his party’s nomination again. Registered Democrats appear ambivalent about a second Biden term, and, as a recent CNN poll suggested, two-thirds of voters who lean Democratic would prefer a different nominee due to concerns about the president’s age and health. However, a quixotic challenge by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has failed to gain much traction. The Republican Party faces a choice: whether to nominate a former chief executive whose own low approval rating rivals the sitting president’s, or to seek a new nominee. Donald Trump holds a commanding lead in the polls, but it is still too early to conclude he will receive his party’s nomination.

The polling industry was subjected to severe criticism after failing to predict the palpable surge in support for Donald Trump in 2016. A variety of explanations were offered, including the concept of the “shy Trump voter” who provided pollsters with expected but misleading answers to leading questions. Critics also cited the prevalence of respondents who “leaned Democratic” and the practical challenges imposed by the use of mobile phones. With few exceptions, national polls should be treated with particular skepticism. In the US, we elect presidents based on electoral votes. A Democrat running up the margin of victory in Oregon, or a Republican doing so in Oklahoma, is less impactful than winning a swing state by the narrowest of margins.

The notion that political affiliation has a direct impact on one’s level of optimism regarding the future direction of the economy is supported by ample academic research. A perception that the economy is improving—or deteriorating—can affect investment decisions in a way that can impair investment returns. Investors who share an affiliation with the political party in office are more likely to believe that financial assets are undervalued and respond accordingly by increasing their allocation to equities. Conversely, investors disappointed with the outcome of an election often adopt a risk-off strategy and take refuge in fixed income securities.1 While that type of impulse may be less costly when yields are high, as they are today, it runs the risk of distorting longer-term asset allocations.

The upcoming election has the potential to be among the most acrimonious on record. There is no love lost between the two leading candidates, and our political parties vehemently disagree on fundamental fiscal, regulatory, and social policies. Take comfort in the fact that incendiary speech is nothing new to US politics. John Adams was called a “repulsive pedant” and “hideous hermaphrodite” by Thomas Jefferson’s campaign. The Adams campaign responded in kind, calling Jefferson a “godless atheist” and circulating a rumor that he had died during the campaign. The severity of personal attacks has ebbed and flowed in the succeeding two centuries. Adams and Jefferson ultimately reconciled, so there is always hope for a kinder and gentler reconciliation of our political differences.

Policies and priorities in the 2024 election

We expect Congress to address the expiring provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) in 2025. The TCJA temporarily reduced marginal income tax rates for most individuals and doubled the amount of the standard deduction. It also doubled the amount of the child tax credit and increased the thresholds at which the credit was phased out. The estate tax exclusion was also doubled. Many of these changes are scheduled to revert to prior levels beginning on 1 January 2026.

The debate will be highly contentious. Republicans are expected to try and make the tax cuts permanent. Democrats are likely to focus on raising tax rates within the highest marginal income brackets. The outcome is uncertain, and much will depend on the degree of control exercised by one party or the other, but some provisions are likely to survive regardless of who controls the gavel in each chamber. For example, a limit on state and local tax deductions probably will persist, albeit with a higher cap. Meanwhile, temporary tax cuts become entrenched with each passing year and are difficult to reverse. The variable will be the degree to which tax cuts, once made permanent, cover individuals with higher incomes. Here, we examine selected policy areas with greater specificity.

ElectionWatch 2024

Early expectations