Women are making extraordinary strides, from the expectations they defy, to the visions they pursue, to the barriers they break. Yet, UBS research shows that significant challenges remain when it comes to women's financial participation. At UBS, we want to be a part of the solution, helping women navigate their financial lives and claim their rightful seat at the money table.
In this special report, we explore the opportunities and challenges for women in taking sole financial control.
Are you one of the 67% of women who are worried about getting the right financial advice?
Women told us what's most important to them, and we're listening.
78% - Retirement planning
70% - Maintaining an emergency fund
65% - Long-term care planning
See what else women are saying and ways to help you take control of your finances.
Learn about the challenges that female primary earners face on the road to greater financial engagement, and how to overcome them.
Less than 50% of women breadwinners say they take the lead on financial decisions. Do you?
% of women breadwinners who say they handle:
51% - Paying bills (vs. 79% of men breadwinners)
44% - Day to day expenses (vs. 57% of men breadwinners)
52% - Long-term investments (vs. 83% of men breadwinners)
Where do you fit in and how can you take your rightful seat at the money table?
Find out by reading our report.
Take control of your financial future

More insights for women
Women share what they’ve learned about money, relationships and financial participation.
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With extensive experience in helping women overcome distinct challenges and achieve their most important goals, we offer a wide range of capabilities to support you.
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