There has never been a better time to give

If you donate, we match 10% of your gift

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If you've arrived here then I first and foremost hope that you and your loved ones safe and healthy.

We're in the midst of an unprecedented crisis that is affecting all our lives in ways we could never have predicted. The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is truly global and, if we are to see an end to it, our response must be global too. That’s why we're launching the UBS Optimus Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund

If you want to give it your support and help contain the outbreak, we'd like to invite you to team up with us. You donate, we match 10% of your donation.

Though these are uncertain times for us all, some of us are fortunate to live in a country where social distancing – while uncomfortable – is possible and our health and sanitation infrastructure is set up to save many lives. This is not the case in many developing countries and when the virus does take hold there – and we see this is already beginning with cases reported in more than 50 African countries1 – the impact could be catastrophic. This new wave of infection and loss of life will have lasting implications for us all.

But there is a great deal of hope, which is built on first-hand, on-the-ground experience. The UBS Optimus Foundation – and clients like you – reacted quickly during the Ebola outbreak, and that response helped turn the tide and saved many thousands of lives.

Today, you can help do the same for the coronavirus outbreak. With a gift to the UBS Optimus Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund, you could help save 20 million lives in low and middle-income countries.

This is not a figure pulled from the air. Experts project almost 20 million people in low- and middle-income countries could die from the virus.2 Your donation to the UBS Optimus Foundation COVID-19 Response Fund can help save these lives.

In a nutshell – our aim is to:

  • preventthe spread of the virus through education on symptoms, social distances and hygiene;
  • detectcases by supporting health workers to identify symptoms and facilitate testing;
  • respondby ramping up emergency treatment while making sure routine health services continue to function.

A simple strategy, but one that’s hard to implement, which is why we already have ties with best-in-class global organizations like Médecins Sans Frontières, as well as local, frontline organizations like Last Mile Health in Liberia.

This combination of global and local response is what we need to turn the tide. But this combination requires a crucial third party: people like you, who spread the word, possess the foresight, and generosity to help make it possible.

I believe this is a time for us all to pull together and help in any way we can. If you do feel inspired to support the Fund, or would like to find out more, please get in touch.

With thanks and warm wishes,

Phyllis Costanza
Head UBS in Society and CEO UBS Optimus Foundation


Direct Donations

Whether large or small, every donation makes a difference. You have tailored options when you make a direct donation to the UBS Optimus Foundation.

For donations above CHF 10,000, please contact your UBS client advisor as amounts over CHF 10,000 can only be transferred from a UBS account.


UBS Optimus Foundation,
8001 Zurich, UBS Switzerland AG,
Account No. 233-700000.70N
IBAN CH490023323370000070N 


Via UBS TWINT, with the following QR-Code. If you wish to receive a tax receipt, please send an email to "" indicating the amount, date and transaction code as well as your full name and address.

qr-code-ubs-optimus-foundation-chf 250
CHF 250
qr-code-ubs-optimus-foundation-chf 100
CHF 100
qr-code-ubs-optimus-foundation-chf 50
CHF 50

UBS Optimus Foundation charity credit card

Use your credit card and help children: Each year, UBS transfers 0.75% of your credit card spending to the UBS Optimus Foundation.

Donation with KeyClub points

Do your bit as a KeyClub member? Donate your points to the UBS Optimus Foundation.

UBS Strategy P-C-dist Fund (CHF, EUR, USD)

UBS Strategy Fund P-C-dist makes investing with your heart and mind particularly easy. As buyer of shares of this Fund, you can benefit from capital growth while the annual dividends are donated to the UBS Optimus Foundation. UBS backs your investment additionally by transferring commissions and fees to the UBS Optimus Foundation. Your client advisor will be happy to provide you with further details.


If you would like to make a bequest to the UBS Optimus Foundation in your will, your client advisor will be happy to help you find a solution that meets your needs.


Donation of any amount

We accept any amount of donations, whether large or small. For donations from German tax residents above EUR 200 we issue a tax receipt

From EUR 100 000

  • You can choose for your donation to go to a specific programme within our health, education, free from harm or social finance portfolios

From EUR 2 000 000

  • You have your own existing charity or foundation supporting children in the wider sense? Together we can set up a tailored program through which you support your own foundation and at the same time benefit of being part of the Optimus Foundation Network

Succession planning

  • You can include UBS Optimus Foundation Deutschland in your succession planning (bequests, life insurance, etc.)

Beneficiary Account:

UBS Optimus Foundation Germany
UBS Europe SE
Donation in Euro - IBAN: DE27 5022 0085 2245 6910 14
Donation in Swiss Francs – IBAN: DE05 5022 0085 2245 6901 49

Hong Kong

Direct donations

Whether large or small, every donation makes a difference. We offer various options when you make a direct donation to the UBS Optimus Foundation - from general unrestricted donations to tailor-made projects. Your UBS client advisor and the experts from the UBS Optimus Foundation are happy to provide you with further details and advice.

Foundation Management

We can partner with your personal charitable foundation, by offering strategic development planning and professional project portfolio management through UBS Optimus Foundation. Please contact your UBS client advisor for more details.


If you would like to make a request to the UBS Optimus Foundation in your will, your UBS client advisor will be happy to help you find a solution that meets your needs.

Tax deductions

Donors resident in Hong Kong:

Donations to the UBS Optimus Foundation may be deducted from income tax. Donors will automatically receive a donation certificate at the end of the fiscal year.

Donors resident outside Hong Kong:

Please contact your local tax advisor, who will be happy to provide you with information.


Direct donations

We accept donations from UBS Wealth Management clients wishing to donate to a UBS Optimus Foundation program in Singapore.
Your UBS Client Advisor and the experts from the UBS Optimus Foundation are happy to provide you with further details and advice.

Foundation Management

We can partner with your personal charitable foundation by offering strategic development planning and professional project portfolio management.
Please contact your UBS Client Advisor for more details.

Tax deductions

As a registered grant-maker under the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore, we are permitted to grant tax credits to Singapore taxpayers for donations directed to Institutions of Public Character approved by the Commissioner of Charities.

United Kingdom

UBS client donations

The UBS Optimus Foundation UK will accept donations from UBS Wealth Management clients resident in the UK. All other client domiciles require case-by-case review. Donations from UK tax payers to UBS Optimus Foundation UK are eligible for Gift Aid and tax relief. Your UBS client advisor and the experts from the UBS Optimus Foundation are happy to provide you with further details and advice.

Employee donations

Employees can give to UBS Optimus Foundation via their UBS Payroll (GAYE) account: a tax-efficient and effortless way to donate funds to a UK registered charity, directly from salary. Through the scheme, the charity gets the tax that employees would otherwise have paid. Also, by using Give As You Earn (GAYE), the donation will be automatically matched by UBS Optimus Foundation (usually at 10%) depending on annual budgets. Through Give As You Earn you can make a one-off or a repeat donation.

United States

UBS client donations

UBS clients are able to make charitable contributions to the Friends of UBS Optimus Foundation Fund through a collaboration with National Philanthropic Trust. Donations can be made from your donor advised fund, private foundation, or any UBS account. Your donation can be an unrestricted donation, it can be made for a specific program, or it can be directed to our health, education or protection portfolios. To learn more about making a donation, please contact your UBS Financial Advisor. Please consult your tax advisor to learn if your contribution may receive a tax deduction.