Complaint and Feedback
If you experience a problem, or you are dissatisfied with a product or service you receive from UBS, it is important we hear about it.
If you would like to raise an issue or concern with UBS AG, Australia branch:
Get in touch to let us know about your complaint
Get in touch to let us know about your complaint
The quickest way is to contact your relationship manager. However, if you are not a client, or would prefer to raise your concern with someone else, please use this page to submit your complaint.
You may need to provide us with your full name, preferred contact details and a description of your complaint and how you would like it resolved. It is a good idea to gather any supporting documents or records with names, times and dates to assist us investigate your complaint.
How long will it take?
How long will it take?
We will acknowledge your complaint, generally within 1 business day.
We will keep you informed of what is happening and if we are unable to resolve your complaint within 30 days (21 days if your complaint involves a hardship notice or default notice) we will tell you that we need more time to investigate and aim to resolve your complaint within a specified time.
What if you are unhappy with the response?
What if you are unhappy with the response?
If the dispute cannot be resolved to your satisfaction, you may take your complaint to an external dispute resolution scheme for independent review.
The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) is a free and independent complaints service for consumers. It provides an efficient means of resolving disputes without resorting to potentially lengthy legal options. However, consumers should only go to AFCA after they have first attempted to resolve the matter directly with Credit Suisse, as AFCA will only deal with complaints after an attempt has been made to resolve the issue directly with UBS. The decision of AFCA is binding on UBS.
The contact details for AFCA are set out below:
Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority GPO Box 3 Melbourne, VIC, 3001
Phone: +61 1800 931 678
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner:
Contact here if your complaint is about your privacy.
GPO Box 5218
Sydney NSW 2001
Phone: 1300 363 992
Using the form below, please provide us with a description of your complaint: