Our approach
Why UBS Consenso Investimentos?
Why UBS Consenso Investimentos?
We want to protect and manage your wealth by offering quality investment advice with a Brazilian perspective. We have more than 50 years of experience and presence in the Brazilian market and offices in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba and Recife.
We'd like to meet you
We help you look at the big picture
We help you look at the big picture
Chief Investment Office
Our Chief Investment Office (CIO) has investment specialists across the globe working to understand the bigger picture and how your investments fit in to it. We use their research to form the UBS House View, our market outlook for the next six months. Our Portfolio Management team makes sure your investments reflect our analysts’ most up to date ideas. But, of course, we have the flexibility to snap up interesting short-term investment opportunities wherever we spot them.
Our biggest strength is the combination of our global capabilities and local expertise, allowing us to identify investment opportunities and risks for our clients.
Mark Haefele, Chief Investment Officer
UBS Global Wealth Management
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Brazil Chief Investment Office
Brazil Chief Investment Office
Consenso (now UBS Consenso) has been a market leader in Brazil's multi-family office sector since 2003. We've led the way by offering a compelling blend of unbiased onshore and offshore services, and expertise that helps people protect and grow their wealth.
In 2017, we joined with UBS, giving our clients access to the world's leading wealth manager.
We connect with every client, working together to help them understand and make the most of their wealth.
To execute transactions efficiently and cost-effectively in global markets, our independence enables us to choose the right investment partners and custodians.
If you want to know more
Come and see us so we can tell you more about how we work.
The price and value of investments and income derived from them can go down as well as up. You may not get back the amount originally invested.
UBS does not give legal and tax advice and you should consult your independent tax adviser for specific advice before entering into or refraining from entering into any investment.