
Let us help you concentrate on your core business.

With UBS handling your non-core cash functions, you can dedicate more resources to client care.

Why it pays to work with us

Global Cash Clearing Services

Cash clearing services

We are the largest Swiss Franc clearer globally and offer multi-currency clearing in more than 30 currencies which allows you to have access to local clearing systems via our direct link or our vast correspondent network. We offer a single point of entry for all your cash clearing and reporting needs.

Risk Management

Risk management

With increasing pressure on cost and risk reduction as well as operational efficiency, Continuous Linked Settlement (CLS) has become the absolute market standard in FX settlement. As the market leader in CLS Third Party mandates, we can provide you with flexible CLS Third Party and Fourth Party solutions adapted to your needs.

First Class Advisory

First class advisory

We provide first-class advice and capabilities to financial institutions globally. Our multilingual and multicultural client advisors are highly trained and experienced in providing tailor-made cash clearing and CLS solutions.

Our services

Cash Clearing

We have many years of experience clearing all major international currencies, plus we are the largest clearer of Swiss franc worldwide. Membership in the world's most important cash clearing organizations expedites clearance of the respective currencies and enhances the overall quality of the services we offer our clients.

Get in touch

Our Client Relationship Directors (CRD) are in major financial centers in EMEA, APAC and the Americas – meaning they are both in your time zone and on your wavelength.

Or get in touch with us by using our contact form.