Close a rental surety account yourself

You will find instructions on this page

In most cases, your management will directly take care of closing your rental deposit account and transferring the deposit back to your account. Has this not happened? You can also close your rental deposit account yourself. It's that simple:

Tip: By following the instructions below you can close your account yourself and easily get your deposit back.

Before getting started

Before filling out the form, be sure you meet the following requirements:

  • All signatures must always be originals
  • To ensure correct processing, we need the following information: account number / IBAN, name of bank, name of account holder
  • The form needs to stay in its original state, without deletions or corrections

In case of death, we also require the following documents:

  • A copy of the family register or a copy of the certificate of inheritance of the deceased person
  • A copy of a legally valid proof of identity (passport, ID or driver's license) of all heirs
  • Signatures of all heirs on the termination order for the deposit

How to close a rental surety account

2. Fill in the form and consider the requirements stated above

3. Have your administration sign the completed form

To prevent processing delays, please note the following information:

Payment to

Signature(s) required

Lessee (individual relationship)

Lessor / agency

Lessee (and/or relationship)

Lessor / agency

Multiple lessees (collective relationship)

Lessor / agency / both lessees

Lessor / agency

Lessor / agency and lessee

4. Send the form, signed by both parties, to the following address:
UBS Switzerland AG
P.O. Box
8098 Zürich

Time to balance: Once we have received all required documentation in full, the rental deposit account will be closed within 5 to 10 calendar days.