Account information (IBAN) incorrect

Please make sure your account is a Swiss bank or post office account. You can correct the IBAN while registering. Simply go back one step (click in the top left on the “Back” button) and update your entry (enter a correct Swiss IBAN).

Account is already in use

Please check whether your IBAN has already been used to register another UBS TWINT app and contact our customer service team at 0848 000 376.

No existing bank account

Unfortunately, if you don’t have a Swiss postal or banking account, you can’t use UBS TWINT.

Learn about our banking services packages – accounts and cards at a special price. If you select a UBS account as your method of payment, you’ll benefit from a higher transfer limit.

Invalid bank account details

Please check whether the IBAN you’ve registered is correct and meets the following criteria:

  • Swiss bank account (no matter which bank)
  • Swiss postal account
  • Not yet registered with another UBS TWINT app