To ensure that your separation from your company runs smoothly


Good to know

Keeping assets within the company can make sense for a long time, even from a tax point of view. However, it can have a negative impact on taxes incurred if corporate and personal assets are im-
balanced when the handover of a business is imminent. That’s why it’s important to structure your assets at an early stage – it’s worth it.

Our expertise

Every entrepreneur should have a trust-worthy partner for early asset planning. We will help you to structure and optimize your assets – for all your business and private matters.

Contact us

Start preparing for your succession today by arranging a consultation.

Is your company prepared for a handover?

Is your company actually prepared for succession? Find out with the help of our succession check: emotional aspects play an important role alongside operational and structural considerations.

Unforeseen events

Nobody likes to think about illness or accidents. And yet these things can happen suddenly. Learn here how you can prepare for the unexpected.

Succession options

Consider every possibility and weigh up different succession options. Our checklist will help you.