Women who engage actively with their long-term finances are more confident about the future

The UBS Investor Watch Study asked women why they don’t get involved in long-term financial decisions. According to the women surveyed, one of the main reasons is that sound investment decisions require a lot of knowledge. And they believe that their partners are more knowledgeable in this area and understand more about long-term investment decisions.

Look to the future with confidence

Women tend to involve themselves more in short-term financial decisions. But paying bills or managing the housekeeping budget is only a part of everyday financial decision-making. Long-term financial planning that is regularly reviewed is equally as important and can have a major impact on living standards in old age. The study also showed that women who get involved in long-term wealth management are more optimistic about the future. Acquiring financial knowledge and a clear understanding of their wealth situation increase financial security in old age and mean women are better prepared for unforeseen events.

Women’s Wealth Academy

Women who actively participate in financial decisions increase their chances of achieving financial security and are less worried about their future.

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