Funds are the basis on which to build your long-term wealth. We give you access to high-quality, global investment funds with which you can benefit from opportunities on the international financial markets.

Funds at a glance

A wide choice

Access to UBS and third-party funds

Strict selection process

Evaluation and selection according to strict UBS criteria

Constant monitoring

The funds in question are constantly monitored

What is a Fund?

A fund pools the money of a large number of individual investors, giving it sufficient capital to invest in a variety of securities. As a result, you can access a wide range of securities and markets with a single investment instrument.

Since a fund consists of several securities, the risk of loss is lower than when investing in just one security.

Which investment solution is right for me?

We offer a wide range of solutions across asset classes, regions, themes and markets, to make sure your selected offering matches your personal financial goals and needs.

UBS Strategy Funds

Take a look at the videos below to find out the development of the Strategy Funds.

How do Strategy Funds perform?

In our bi-annual video analyses, our investment specialists tell you which factors have influenced performance. Would you like to be notified when a new video is available?

UBS Systematic Allocation Portfolio Funds

Funds for every market situation

Stocks can yield better results in the long term than other asset classes. The more flexible the investment strategy, the higher its potential in different market situations. The “UBS Systematic Allocation Portfolio” funds invest according to the model of the UBS WM Chief Investment Office (CIO), which manages the equity ratio and corresponding changes in the portfolio.

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