Philanthropy: find the right topic

Would you like to get involved in philanthropy, but are still unsure which area of charity you want to dedicate yourself to? The potential areas for philanthropic action are many and varied: they range from education to climate change and equal opportunities.

In this article, we show you how to find your way through the diverse world of philanthropy, and present three topics as examples.

Start with some research

The path towards becoming a philanthropist begins with selecting a topic. You should do some research into this. There are numerous institutions that address the issue of solving global problems.

For example, the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals can serve as a point of reference for finding the right area for your philanthropic commitment.

Always ask yourself during your research: where do I personally see the most need for action? Where do I perhaps even have experience, contacts or other resources that I could use to combat one of the problems? If you suddenly find that you can easily answer these – or one of these – questions, you have probably found your topic.

Below we present three specific topics and practical examples that are of concern to us and which we are committed to through the UBS Optimus Foundation. They are based on the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals.

Good health and well-being for all

Goal number 3 of the UN’s sustainable development goals states: “Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages.” This includes the elimination of diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, and the reduction of infant and maternal mortality, for example.

If you think our region is less affected by fatal diseases, you are mistaken. Even in our part of the world, there is still a need for action in the fields of health and medicine. This concerns non-communicable diseases such as diabetes and the prevention of traffic accidents and substance abuse.

Example: maternal and newborn health in Rajasthan, India

Rajasthan has one of the highest maternal and infant mortality rates of any state in India. The UBS Optimus Foundation’s Utkrisht Maternal and Newborn Health Development Impact Bond focuses on improving healthcare in Rajasthan by improving access to treatment and quality of care in private institutions. Read more about the project here in the section “Maternal and newborn health”.

Ensure inclusive, equitable and high-quality education

This UN goal calls for everyone, children, young people, adults and especially the poorest and most disadvantaged, to have access to high-quality basic education and vocational training. This is crucial for improving the living conditions of individuals, communities and ultimately of our society as a whole.

Example: a second chance for schoolchildren

250 million children globally are illiterate. Even if some of them go to school, they are virtually unable to benefit from the content taught. Second Chance develops education innovations and drives system change, working with children in greatest need around the world. These include children who have had to drop out of school due to conflicts and poverty. Learn more here in the article “Back to school for good”.

Sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work

This goal aims to combat forced labor and put an end to modern slavery and human trafficking. Work and economic growth play an essential role in reducing poverty. Moreover, sustainable economic growth must not be at the expense of the environment, whereby separating economic growth from environmental degradation is one of the UN’s superordinate goals.

Example: the fight against child trafficking and modern slavery in Asia

An estimated 46 million people around the world are still enslaved today. 66% of the world’s sex trade is in Asia and 50% of those employed in the commercial sex industry are children under the age of 18. The Freedom Fund works with frontline organizations to combat slavery in particularly affected regions. Read more about this project in the section “Some things should not be for saleˮ.

Here you can carry out more in-depth research

These are just three of the areas you can get involved in as a philanthropist. In addition to the United Nations’ 17 sustainable development goals, the other examples in our philanthropy blog can also give you inspiration and guidance on identifying the right topic. There you can also contact UBS philanthropy experts, who will be happy to help you choose an appropriate area to support.

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