
Our expertise

Some of the key tools and approaches used by the financial sector to address climate change have historically focused on “not doing” certain things, whether they be removing portfolio exposures through exclusion, or divesting, to name just a few.

While all these activities send a message, help create awareness and lead to acceptance, their real-world impact on decarbonization has limitations.

Our approach

We believe this transition represents an enormous opportunity that allows our clients to play a more meaningful part in solving the climate crisis. To meet climate targets, highly pollutive legacy sectors must decarbonize, or transition.

Our society is dependent on carbon-intensive industries: materials, utilities, agriculture that must participate in the energy transition.

The market has overlooked these industries, favoring already green sectors. As a result, these transitioning companies often trade at discounted valuations.

We see an exciting investment opportunity unlocked by encouraging carbon intensive companies to accelerate their decarbonization efforts.

Fund in focus:

UBS Climate Action

Climate Action offers an actively managed, intrinsic value approach across sectors to encourage carbon intensive companies to accelerate their decarbonization efforts.

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