Personal & Corporate Banking
We’re proud to be known as Switzerland’s leading personal and corporate Bank.
As the leading universal bank in Switzerland, we provide comprehensive financial products and services to private, corporate and institutional clients. Our customers range from individuals opening their first account, to those who have banked with us for years, through to corporate clients.
Our strategy aims to deliver the best experience for our clients - anytime, anywhere, in a way that works for them. We work closely with our wealth management, investment bank and asset management businesses to ensure that our clients receive the best products and solutions for their financial needs. This gives our people the chance to work with other colleagues across our business.

We are a recognized digital leader, with the highest online and mobile banking use in Switzerland, and continue to invest in these platforms to enhance our leading market position. We are looking for people who have a “digital first” mindset and who can help their clients get the most out of our technology.
Our clients expect convenience, 24/7 availability, security and value for their money. Technology plays a key role to make the experience for clients better every day. The best example is our Digital Factory, where specialists from over 20 disciplines work together to deliver even better client solutions.
We offer our private clients a wide range of services from payments to deposits, cards, online and mobile banking, as well as mortgages, investments and retirement services. Our corporate and institutional clients benefit from our financing and investment solutions, allowing them to get the most out of their finances.

Retail and private banking
Our personal banking teams serve more than 2.5 million private clients across Switzerland. With our expertise and the simplicity and convenience of our product offering, we provide the best possible client experience. Many of our branches share locations with our other businesses, giving our people access to our entire product range and everything we do. Our business is tailored to each stage of their lives: day-to-day banking, financing, investments, and pensions. We are with them every step of the way.

COO (Chief Operating Office) P&C and Region Switzerland
Our personal banking teams serve more than 2.5 million private clients across Switzerland. With our expertise and the simplicity and convenience of our product offering, we provide the best possible client experience. Many of our branches share locations with our other businesses, giving our people access to our entire product range and everything we do. Our business is tailored to each stage of their lives: day-to-day banking, financing, investments, and pensions. We are with them every step of the way.

Corporate and institutional clients
Corporate and Institutional Clients (CIC) looks after business clients. From start-ups and small enterprises to large corporate clients, we support our clients' long-term value creation. We do this by providing them with comprehensive, integrated solutions in Switzerland and by accompanying them abroad. Our business is split into segments to ensure that our clients get the most tailored service to their needs.

Every day brings something new, which is exciting and sometimes demanding. But – working on topics such as digitization or agile ways of working together with colleagues from other teams helps me to develop my skills further.

Our Personal & Corporate Banking teams serve over 2.5 million people, and more than 125,000 firms in Switzerland and around the world.

We have 265+ branches in Switzerland, with extensive coverage across the country.

Combined, more than 140 of these branches are shared with our Global Wealth Management and Corporate & Institutional Clients businesses.

More than 90% of the 250 largest Swiss companies rely on us for their banking needs.

While we mainly operate in our home market of Switzerland, we also serve clients who have activities abroad, including Frankfurt, New York, Hong Kong and Singapore.

With over 20,000 employees, we’re proud to be the third largest private employer in Switzerland.