Kenji speaks about his internal team movement
Kenji speaks about his internal team movement
Why did you decide to switch from the Investment Bank to Wealth Management?
- お客様と相対し信頼関係を築き、顧客開拓、ソリューションの提案から長期的なリレーションシップの構築まで一人で担当するところに魅力を感じた為。
- 異動先の上司との話を通じて、ウェルス・マネジメントのクライアント・アドバイザー(Client Advisor)としての自分のキャリアをイメージできた為。
- ワークライフバランスの向上の為。家族が西日本出身のため、大阪を拠点に働けることは子育ての面でも助かっている。
Here are the three main reasons:
- I was attracted to the idea of talking directly to our clients. I wanted to be looking for new client opportunities, building trust and providing advice and solutions to help maintain the relationships.
- Having explored the opportunity further with the manager in Wealth Management, I could really imagine myself as Client Advisor there.
- I wanted to have more flexibility and a better work-life balance. My family is from the western area of Japan, so it helps to have an office where I can also get support with raising my child.
“In a Client Advisor role, you have opportunities to look for new clients, build a relationship with them and provide solutions on your own.”
How different is your current role compared to your previous one?
ウェルス・マネジメントのClient Advisorは、若手でも新規顧客開拓から信頼関係の構築、ソリューションの提案まで自分自身で責任を持ちます(ただし、当然ながら上司への報告等は適切に行わなければいけません。)。行内の目標に対してもコミットメントを果たすという立場となり、お客様、社内パートナー、プロジェクトのそれぞれに対してリーダーシップが求められていると理解しています。
In the Investment Bank, it was the senior bankers who provided the advice on projects and execution to the client. Junior associates were then assigned to the project in teams.
In a Client Advisor role, you have opportunities to look for new clients, build a relationship with them and provide solutions on your own, sharing updates with your manager. You have a responsibility to meet the bank’s targets and it requires more leadership when facing clients, internal partners and projects.
How did you manage an internal move?
一通りの面談を終えた後、ウェルス・マネジメントのClient Advisor として新たなキャリアを築いていく決心がついた段階で現部署のラインマネージャーや同僚に自分の考えを報告し、チャレンジすることに理解をいただきました。異動後も前部署のメンバーとの関係は良好です。
I started by looking at the internal vacancies. Then I talked with the HR recruiter who helped to arrange several interviews with the department that I wished to move to.
From the perspective of the managers, the interviews were a hiring process. For me, it was good opportunity to check who I was going to work with and what kind of career path I could expect.
After the interviews, when I could see myself in this new role, I talked to my previous line manager and colleagues and they supported my decision. I still have good relationships with my previous teammates.
What`s the best part about moving roles?
UBSでの経験のもと、それぞれの立場における業務範囲(Scope of work)、必要としている情報、意思決定プロセスを理解していることは強みだと感じます。特に経験者採用のクライアント・アドバイザーが多いウェルス・マネジメントにおいては、他部署とのネットワーキングを推進したり、お客様に対しOne Bankのサービスを提案できるポテンシャルが高い立場だと認識しています。
Having joined UBS as a graduate, I think my strength is that I have an understanding of each division, what information I need to operate and the process of decision making. Since the majority of Client Advisors came from outside of UBS, I have the opportunity to promote our business, network with other divisions and provide a 'one bank' service to the client.
What tips would you give colleagues from your mobility experience?
Moving internally might be a good choice if you want career change. Your internal network will expand and your experience in a previous role will add huge value to your new job. As in my case, if you are trying to build your career in a completely new field, your evaluation and reputation from your previous role could assist you with your future challenges.
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