UBS Insights Week is a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to learn about working in financial services before joining a Summer Internship.

This year, students studying at a European university attended the program in our brand new London office at 5 Broadgate. During the week, participants completed fast-paced workshop sessions, were taken on an exclusive trading floor tour and learnt valuable tips on how to impress during our assessment process.

The attendees also gained an understanding of their chosen business area through practical workshops. This included a trading game for Investment Banking participants and an Operations simulation game for the Corporate Centre participants.

They also had first-hand experience of life as a graduate trainee through work-shadowing, graduate panel sessions and networking lunches. These activities gave them the opportunity to interact with employees currently on the Graduate Training Program as well senior members of staff.

One of the highlights of the week was a tour of one our trading floors, where participants were able to watch our London traders in action. The students were also shown around our Innovation Lab in Canary Wharf. Here they learnt about how our cutting-edge technology is helping shape the future of financial services.

At the end of the week, some students completed an assessment for our 2018 Summer Internship. They attended professional skills sessions, as well as a Q&A session with the Junior Talent Team, to help them prepare.

"Our Insights Week is an important way to attract talented individuals early on in their university careers. Through many opportunities to meet our employees and learn about our culture, students get to see what life at UBS is really like, as well as what the firm has to offer. Completing an assessment after Insights gives students the chance to secure a place in one of our summer internship programs," noted Jennifer, head of Junior Talent EMEA.

Overall, participants had many positive take-aways. One participant commented, "Throughout the week, I met people from different divisions and seniority. What I appreciated most was that all were willing to share their experiences, putting me at ease to ask every question that I had. However, the most positive aspect of the program, for me, was being able to learn about the collaborative culture at UBS. I could truly relate to this, so UBS is the place where I want to work in the future."

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