SFDR – Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation

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Information on the consideration of the integration of sustainability risks in the Bank’s compensation policies, in connection with the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation of the European Union (EU) 2019/2088.

At Credit Suisse, we are fully committed to sustainability, which is a core component of our strategy. Our ambition to provide sustainable investment solutions is at the core of our offering to clients, and we continue to extend the breadth and depth of innovative sustainable and impact investment products and services to meet clients' appetites. Our strong commitment to sustainability is reflected through the Sustainability Advisory Committee at the Board of Directors level, consisting of outside advisors and members of the Board. Further sustainability and culture-related topics are routinely addressed at meetings of the Board committees.

Our Compensation Policy and our approach to remuneration are geared at rewarding positive behaviors and managing risk-taking behaviors, encouraging focus on long-term goals beyond pure financial performances. Credit Suisse looks to balance this across its business strategy, including in respect of sustainability opportunities and risks. In 2022, we further enhanced the link between sustainability risks and compensation decisions by revising our Compensation Policy. Sustainability has been embedded in the non-financial metrics which comprise a 30% weighting of the aggregate Executive Board variable compensation pool. For more information, please refer to the Group's Compensation website.

Our Code of Conduct provides a framework of principles for all our operations worldwide, which is binding on all employees and members of the Board of Directors. It also forms the basis of Credit Suisse's commitment to sustainability. It encompasses the obligation of Credit Suisse employees to take into account the environmental and social impact of their business decisions. Sustainability considerations are also incorporated into our cultural values and behaviors. Appropriate risk-taking, ensuring sustainability and acting responsibly towards society are key elements. These values together with our Code of Conduct form an important component of the annual performance evaluation of each employee at Credit Suisse.

Information valid from March 10, 2021. Updated on January 1, 2023.