Our firm

Our year in numbers

In 2018, we met many milestones and continued to demonstrate the strength of our diversified business model. See our year in numbers, including financial performance, workforce statistics and UBS Optimus Foundation updates.

Our three keys to success

We have a unique culture, and it's a winning one. Sustainability thrives on consistency, and how we accomplish our goals is as important as what we achieve. The specific behavior expectations we integrate into our business and HR practices are our three keys to success. Collaboration is one of them. Find out how collaboration helps us and our clients.

What we stand for

We constantly evolve in response to new challenges, but we have strategic clarity and consistency.

Our governing boards

The Board of Directors (BoD) has ultimate responsibility for the success of the Group and for delivering sustainable shareholder value. The Group Executive Board (GEB), under the leadership of the Group Chief Executive Officer, has executive management responsibility for the steering of the Group and its business.

How we manage the firm

UBS’s corporate governance principles are geared towards sustainable growth and protecting the interests of shareholders.