Zurich, October 15, 2020 – UBS Helpetica is a new central online platform for volunteering to support sustainable projects. The platform offers a wide range of opportunities for volunteers and is being launched in partnership with benevol Switzerland, the Swiss Society for the Common Good (SSCG), «Five up» and other non-profit organizations in Switzerland.

Axel P. Lehmann, President UBS Switzerland says: "Social commitment plays a central role in Switzerland. UBS wants to further cement this commitment in Switzerland, while making an active contribution to sustainable development at the same time. We want to take on an active role in shaping a positive future – now and for future generations."

Bringing together charitable projects and volunteers

Doing good feels good. The UBS Helpetica platform gives non-profit organizations the opportunity to advertise sustainable volunteer projects in the areas of "environment", "welfare", "education", and "entrepreneurship" and to find people who would like to get involved. Interested parties can also search for suitable opportunities and register directly with UBS Helpetica for a project that is close to their heart. In addition, private individuals can submit their own project ideas for volunteer work. UBS has these ideas reviewed by experts to determine their usefulness and impact on the common good in Switzerland before they can be implemented by an organization.

Karin Oertli, COO P&C and Region Switzerland says: "With UBS Helpetica, we are supporting the visibility and feasibility of sustainable projects and ideas from our society." There is already an opportunity to make a big difference.

Active contribution to sustainable development

As a leading Swiss Bank, through UBS Helpetica UBS is supporting the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals that all member states are to achieve by 2030. This broad and inspiring focus enables civil society stakeholders and private individuals to make an active contribution to sustainable development and to Switzerland’s sustainability goals too.

UBS has been promoting corporate volunteering in Switzerland for many years. More than 15 years ago, the company was one of the first to introduce volunteer work by employees in Switzerland. Over 5,000 UBS employees – that is about a quarter of our employees in Switzerland – carried out more than 50,000 hours of voluntary work last year.

UBS Switzerland AG