
Women in Economics hosts events across the globe or digital events on a regular basis.


Can COVID-19 lead to a gender-just world? What helps people make better financial choices? What is the future of globalization? Together with some of the world’s leading economists, the Women in Economics events tackle the big questions. We will keep you updated on our upcoming events here.

Highlights from our events


The Women in Economics event in 2020 was held as a webinar session. Patricia Quek, Managing Director and Market Head for UBS Global Wealth Management in Singapore, welcomed CEPR President Beatrice Weder di Mauro for her keynote speech on the nature of the COVID-19 crisis and the differences to other crises of the past. Min Lan Tan, Head Chief Investment Office APAC for UBS Global Wealth Management, had a conversation with Sebnem Kalemli-Özcan, who joined Women in Economics in 2019. The Neil Moskowitz Endowed Professor of Economics at University of Maryland and CEPR Research Fellow talked about the COVID-19 crisis, the challenges emerging markets and developing countries face, and the need to make the economics profession more diverse.

Patricia Quek

Min Lan Tan

Beatrice Weder di Mauro

WIE Webinar 2020

How is the COVID-19 crisis different from other crises?

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WIE Webinar 2020

How can we make the profession more diverse?

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WIE Webinar 2020

The COVID-19 response in emerging markets

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WIE Webinar 2020

Unsustainable debt levels

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