Ensure people are free from harm

Protecting children by contributing to public child protection systems, community responses, and family support

Millions of children around the world are experiencing violence or are at risk of exploitation. Together we can put an end to this. At the UBS Optimus Foundation, we can help you maximize your impact in the area of child protection. Your contribution will focus on prevention as the most impactful place to intervene in child protection, investing across the continuum of public child protection systems, the broad range of community responses, and family support.

Sound data for a meaningful contribution

To help you maximize your philanthropic impact in the area of child protection, we, at the UBS Optimus Foundation have conducted detailed landscaping studies that helped us to identify priority conditions, knowledge gaps and areas of under-investment by other foundations and government donors. Based on these findings, we recommend you focus your efforts on combating trafficking and slavery, and on building family-based care systems – by supporting carefully selected non-profit organizations.

Two ways you can get engaged

You can help put an end to violence and exploitation of children by focusing your efforts on two specific areas of risk to children.

Anti-trafficking and slavery

Human trafficking is one of the largest and fastest-growing profitable criminal industries on the planet, second only to drug trafficking. And one in four victims is likely to be a child.

Your contribution prevents children from being trafficked into commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor.

Families, not orphans

Growing up in an institution, such as an orphanage, is harmful for physical, cognitive and socio-emotional development. Millions of children are living in orphanages, even though majority has a living parent.

Your contribution replaces the use of child care institutions in child protection systems, especially those privately funded, with family based care systems.