Investors speak Global female business owners November 2022

UBS Investor Sentiment

The UBS Investor Sentiment 3Q22 global quarterly research of female business owners showed that despite recession and inflation concerns, female business owners’ hiring and investing plans are positive and preparedness is key.

Investor Sentiment

Mixed news, mixed views

Despite recession and inflation concerns, female business owners’ hiring and investing plans are positive and preparedness is key

Key findings

Recession is impacting female business owners

Preparation for an inflation rise is key as they seek options to address this

Hiring and investing plans are still positive

Recession is the top concern for female business owners …

women - 65% Inflation, 65% Tax increases, 62% Market downturn and men - 58% Inflation, 56% Geopolitical risk, 50% Recession

… and many expect a recession soon

Short term - women 61% and men 48%, long term - women 51% and men 38%, Future generations - women 56% and men 35%

Female business owners expect higher inflation …

women - 21% (-1%) and men 28% (+3%)

… and consequently increased materials costs …

women - 30% increase investments, 57% keep investment levels the same, 13% decrease investments and men 33% increase investments, 48% keep investment levels the same, 19% decrease investments

… which they are addressing in different ways

I am unsure what to invest in - women 74% and men 66%

Amid inflation concerns, female business owners’ optimism drops for their business in the next 12 months

I am unsure what to invest in - women 74% and men 66%

Nevertheless, they continue to fill post-COVID labor gaps

I am unsure what to invest in - women 74% and men 66%

Are you ready for what comes next? Talk to a UBS advisor.

About the survey: UBS surveyed 2,913 investors and 1,198 business owners with at least $1M in investable assets (for investors) or at least $1M in annual revenue and at least one employee other than themselves (for business owners), from September 28 – October 17, 2022. The global sample was split across 14 markets: Argentina, Brazil, Mainland China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, Switzerland, the UAE, the UK and the US. For the August results, UBS surveyed 2,864 investors and 1,129 business owners globally from June 29 – July 19, 2022. For the previous year results, UBS surveyed 3,004 investors and 1,202 business owners globally from September 28 – October 18, 2021.

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Investor sentiment

3Q22 Mixed news, mixed views

Investor sentiment

1Q22 Risk aware, not risk averse

Investor sentiment

4Q21 Treading carefully