Credit Suisse Group AG has been acquired by UBS Group AG. Click here for the latest updates on how we continue to serve clients.
This section is a temporary solution and will remain in place until Credit Suisse legal notes are integrated into the UBS webpage.
This section is a temporary solution and will remain in place until Credit Suisse legal notes are integrated into the UBS webpage.
根据美国爱国者(全称「使用适当手段来拦截及阻止恐怖活动以团结并强化美国」─Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism)法案及美国财政部发出的最终规则,美国的银行或证券经纪交易商(「受规限的金融机构」)必须向在其开立代理账户之「外资银行」索取若干资料。