Sustainable investing solutions

How UBS can help you invest for good

Before you start…

There are some things to consider before beginning your sustainable investing journey

Future of earth

Future of Earth

See highlights from our Future of Earth report about investing in solutions for a more sustainable planet.

Sustainable investing in action

Sustainability in action

You have more choices than you think.

sustainable investing

What is sustainable investing?

If you aren’t sure, you’re not alone. We’ll break it down for you.

How do I get started?

Check your portfolio

Check your portfolio

How sustainable is your portfolio?

Many investors don't even realize they have sustainable investments. Ask your UBS contact if you do, and how you can do more.

Choose your values

Choose your values

What do you care about?

You can choose more than one way to make a difference. Do you want to wipe out pollution? Combat climate change? Help educate children? We can help you get started.

Invest for good

Invest for good

Put your values in action

Decide if you want to:

  • Exclude companies with different values than yours
  • Integrate companies who reflect your values
  • Select investments that make an impact you can see

You don't have to choose just one way to invest sustainably. Those who already invest according to their values dedicate over a third of their portfolio to sustainable investments.1

Other ways UBS can help you make a difference

Changing the world is about more than investing sustainably. It's about giving your time and energy to solving issues you're passionate about. For example, you can help put smiles on the faces of children worldwide through the UBS Optimus Foundation, which supports global projects focusing on young people. Our philanthropy experts can also help put your wealth and ideas to work in the best-possible way.

Why UBS?

We want to shape the future of sustainable investing. Why? Because we believe these investments can deliver returns with less risk to your money. We are also confident that sustainable investing will soon become the world's most widely accepted way of investing.2, 3

Furthermore, as the world's leading wealth manager,4 we feel responsible for helping change things for the better. We have the capital, solutions and expertise to make a big difference globally.

We drive change

We drive change

How UBS the world over is making a difference in the world

We support global visionaries

We support global visionaries

Insights from thought leaders whose work is shaping our future.

We bring people together

Meeting of global leaders

Insights from UBS Investment Summit Davos 2018

Is your portfolio having the impact you want?

Discover how we can help you