Opening hours
Business hours
- Mon - Fri
- -
- Sat - Sun
- closed
Driving directions
We are located approximately 1 mile west of I-75 on the south side of Big Beaver Road between Crooks and Coolidge. From I-75, exit at Big Beaver Road west. Go approximately 1 mile and look for the Somerset Place office building on the south side of the road. We are located on the 8th floor.
- Phone Number
- +1-248-643 9200
- Street Address
- 2301 West Big Beaver Road
- Somerset Place Office Building
- 48084 Troy
- Postal Address
- 2301 West Big Beaver Road
- 48084 Troy
- United States
- Branch Manager
- Jeffrey Catlin
- Internet Address
Available Services
- Wealth ManagementPersonal investment advice, solutions and services for entrepreneurs, wealthy families and individuals.