Olivia Muir
Head of ESG – Real Estate & Private Markets

Our clients care about ESG and are becoming increasingly vocal – which is great as it is such a powerful way to generate meaningful and impactful change.

Olivia Muir, Head of ESG – Real Estate & Private Markets

In recent years, ESG issues have moved from somewhere near the bottom of many investors’ priority list, up towards the top. Real Estate & Private Markets’ (REPM) Head of ESG, Olivia Muir, explains how this complex landscape has evolved, the benefits and challenges of investing through an ESG lens in private markets and the business’ current priorities.

ESG is not a new theme but is increasingly prevalent in our world. How has ESG evolved as a topic in recent years?

We have witnessed the evolution and growth of ESG over recent years and now for many investors it is front and center on their agendas and a growing part of the overall picture. The science (as it relates to the environmental component in particular) has never been clearer: we must act fast to combat the most devastating effects of climate change. The COVID-19 crisis has also emphasized the importance of ESG as stakeholders observed first-hand the effects of fragile supply chains, poorly-managed health and safety risks and labor welfare issues, to name just a few other social and governance topics.

ESG is now at the top of many investors’ priority lists for the risks and opportunities that it brings which influence how we manage capital. It is a topic that affects everything that the investment management industry is doing and is only going to grow in breadth, depth and importance in the next few years.

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