The small print

Terms and conditions of the IB Development Challenge

Mentor Young Female
  1. By entering the competition conducted by UBS AG (the “IB Development Challenge”) you agree to the terms and conditions below which are subject to change by UBS AG at any time without notice.

  2. All registrations must be made online at between by Thursday, 9 May 2024, 12pm AEST.

  3. The judging panel for case presentations will comprise of UBS representatives. Presentations will be judged on team performance and merit and not on individual performances. Decisions made by the judging panels will be final and not open to dispute. The case presentations will be held in UBS Office. UBS’s will provide a return economy flight and associated travel reimbursements for Interstate based participants.

  4. Entrants’ personal details will not be disclosed to parties outside of UBS.

  5. UBS AG takes no responsibility for any injury, loss or damages incurred by participants whilst competing in the IB Development Challenge, whether due to UBS’ or the Participating University’s negligence or otherwise. Participants agree that UBS will not be liable for any liability, claim, or damage suffered by the Participant as a result of or in connection with their participation in the IB Development Challenge.