
We offer a range of climate solutions to help structure your portfolio for the future

Our approach

Past and current human activity has made climate change a reality we can no longer ignore. We believe sustainable investing, once considered a trend, has now become an integral part of portfolio management.

We recognize there is no “single approach” when it comes to investing with climate in mind. Our dedicated team and comprehensive product suite help our clients identify how they can invest sustainability, while keeping their financial targets in mind. 

Net Zero

Net Zero is achieved when residual man-made caused emissions of greenhouse gasses are balanced by our removal efforts over a specified period of time. When it comes to investing towards Net Zero, we aim to break down the science, and partner with clients to tailor our offering to their decarbonization journey.


Sustainable Investing is not limited to exclusions; we believe that investors can have a real-world impact by investing in pollutive industries and advocating for positive change. Our approach to stewardship allows us to partner with and support invested companies in their decarbonization journey as engagement is key to any meaningful transition strategy.

Hear from our experts

Lucy Thomas, Head of Sustainable Investing at UBS Asset Management, explains the climate challenge, Net Zero, stewardship and the opportunities for investors that arise from the transition to Net Zero.

Dive deeper: Your guide to Net Zero and beyond

The green inflection point

Investors who want to align with the Paris Agreement are standing at an inflection point – to reach Net Zero by 2050 a change in speed is needed. It is time to move beyond exclusions and reinforce the focus on engagement. By focusing on a more sustainable collective future with renewed urgency and commitment, we believe asset owners can help achieve net zero objectives and transform what tomorrow will bring.

The paper aims to identify:

  • Key actions the financial sector can take to help accelerate and scale decarbonization of the real economy
  • Next steps that can drive and build on decarbonization efforts across sectors

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