Reporting & analytics

A partnership designed to solve your investment challenges, together.

Regulatory compliant reporting & analytics for insurers

At UBS Asset Management we understand that flexibility is key, and that regulatory reporting is critical to doing business. In order to meet your reporting requirements, we use established analytics and Solvency II reporting capabilities.

Solvency II reporting

Established Solvency II analytics and reporting

We have partnered with UBS Delta who have developed proven multi-asset class software for Solvency II portfolio monitoring and reporting.

  • UBS Delta is currently used by over 130 institutional investors including insurance companies, asset managers, pension schemes, hedge funds and consultants.
  • Understanding and managing risk plays an integral part of our portfolio design and construction process.
  • Our analytics allow us to manage insurance specific constraints e.g. Solvency Capital Requirements (SCR) limits.
  • Changes in portfolio composition are evaluated at the portfolio construction stage and updated portfolio SCR values are monitored on a regular basis.
  • We also produce and disseminate Tripartite (TPT) reports.

Our regular reporting is designed to give you the insights you need to ensure compliance with your regulatory obligations.

Solvency capital aware portfolio construction

Our example reports below show how we use UBS Delta’s proven multi-asset class reporting to inform portfolio construction and monitoring.

 Solvency II analytics for a pre-trade portfolio

Bar chart showing an illustrative portfolio’s Solvency II capital charge, pre-trade

Impact on the Solvency II capital ratio post trade

Bar chart showing an illustrative portfolio’s Solvency II capital charge, post-trade

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Investment expertise

At UBS Asset Management we combine a powerful partnership of expertise from across a range of investment capabilities, with independent global investment research and state-of-the-art risk management. We do this with one goal in mind: to deliver superior investment performance and service for our clients through our range of specialist investment capabilities.


Today’s investment landscape is a complex one. With our insights, we bring you the best of our market views and asset class insights. Our dedicated webinar series also provides an opportunity to hear directly from investment specialists across the firm and engage in live Q&A sessions.