Payments on your e-banking

The menus that are available on your e-banking include

Sr. No.

Sr. No.



Sr. No.



Make a payment - Create a payment online

Sr. No.



Make a transfer - Transfer funds between your accounts or your authorised accounts

Sr. No.



Payments overview - View of all payments

Sr. No.



Standing order overview - View of all standing orders

Sr. No.



Payees - List containing all payees

Sr. No.



Fees & commission - Payment fees

A payment can be initiated two ways;

  • Firstly, a list of your payee’s will be displayed. Please note: HMRC will always appear on this list where the account number, name and bank details cannot be amended.
  • Secondly, new payees can be created by selecting “Pay someone new.” This will prompt you to select the one of three options:
  • International payment – make a payment to someone outside the UK
  • Domestic payment – make a payment to someone in the UK (includes Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Great Britain)
  • Account transfer – make a cash transfer between your UBS accounts

For all payment types, there is an option to create a single payment (one-time payment) or standing order (to set up a payment with a repeated interval).

Make a payment

Create a payment online

A payment entry screen will be displayed where all mandatory fields as indicated (*) will need to be completed.

Description of payment entry screen







IBAN (Account No)*

Name *


Account number or International Bank Account number (IBAN) of payee

IBAN consists of up to 34 alphanumeric character starting with a country code, and could contain the BIC or sort code and account number.


Number, Street name
City, Postcode, Country

Payee bank *


Payee name

Please note: that the payee name must be greater than 8 characters as part of regulatory recommendation that financial institutions must include standard payee information on all wire transfers. Where a payee is less than 8 characters, additional information should be included, such as location.
Address information of the payee (not mandatory)

The bank details of the payee.

Search for a bank: A full list of banks can be found by clicking of the search button where there are various option to search / filter to find the payee bank.

Please note, in the domestic payment screen, the search function only shows domestic banks; in the domestic payment screen, the search function only shows international banks.

Intermediary banks: Please note, for International payments, e-banking does not support payments via an intermediary bank – if your payee bank requires this, please contact your Client Advisor.


Payment details

Currency *


List of currencies available on your e-banking, not all currencies will be found in this list and if a currency you wish to pay in is not, contact your Client Advisor.


Amount *


The payment amount, where the debit account currency and payment currency is different (i.e. cross currency) an exchange rate will be required therefore an indicative amount in the debit account will be displayed.

Cross currency payments: Please note, only a maximum of £25,000 equivalent cross currency can be entered on your e-banking.


Payee reference *


Reference details of the payment, e.g. HMRC reference details should be included here. For an International payment, this reference forms part of the SWIFT message to the payee bank.


Payment date *


The date requested the payment to arrive. The calendar will only display 30 days for single payments and 31 days for standing orders from today.

'As soon as possible' can be used when requesting for payments to be fast processed, which means arriving at the earliest available calendar date or sooner (subject to all checks and approvals).

If the payment is urgent, contact your Client Advisor to ensure payments are processed immediately.


Payment reason *


Provide an adequate reason for the payment – guidance is provided on screen using the information icon. Payments processing can be delayed if there is not enough information provided in payment reason.

For security reasons you may be prompted to you to enter a verification code, to generate this code, use your log on card and card reader and follow the steps highlighted on screen.

Access app approval method for payments

Cardless authorisation for Payments will be sent via a message to the registered access app. You will have to approve or reject the payment on the access app.

Click the submit button from the below page which will then send a confirmation message to the access app,

Image of payment authorization

As mentioned in the screenshot below, your approval on access app is required to process the payment made,

Image of payment authorization

Make a transfer

Transfer funds between your accounts or between your authorised accounts

A payment entry screen will be displayed where all mandatory fields as indicated (*) will need to be completed.

See above for descriptions of the mandatory fields required on this screen.

Payment overview

View of all payments

The payments overview page displays all payments that have been entered in e-banking. Depending on the status of the payment, it can be found in one of the below statuses:

  • Awaiting approval - The payment is awaiting further approval before it can be submitted to UBS. Depending on your e-banking authorization the account holder has specified, payments may require additional approval before they can be processed.
  • Submitted – The payment has been submitted to UBS and is being processed.
  • Executed – The payment has been executed and completed. A PDF confirmation is available to download.
  • Not executed – The payment was not completed and the reason is displayed.

Standing order overview

View of all standing orders

The standing orders overview page displays all standing orders that you have set up with UBS (not only through e-banking). Depending on the status of the standing order, it can be found in one of the below statuses:

  • Awaiting approval – The standing order is awaiting further approval before it can be submitted to UBS. Depending on your e-banking authorization the account holder has specified, payments may require additional approval before they can be received for processing.
  • Submitted – The standing order has been submitted to UBS and is awaiting checks from UBS
  • Active – The standing order is currently active and next payment date is displayed. Please note: you may have other standing orders that were not set up through e-banking, the standing order that have been set up outside on e-banking cannot be amended.
  • Inactive – The standing order is no longer active or has expired. To renew the standing order, re-entered the standing order through e-banking.

Existing payees

List of all payees

The existing payees’ page provides you with maintenance options of your payees, including the ability to edit or update the information (name or bank) or delete the payee.

Fees & Commission

Fees and commissions for payments on e-banking

Type of payment

Type of payment

Fee amount

Fee amount

Type of payment


Transfer cash between accounts that are booked within UBS AG London Branch and that you are authorised to access through UBS e-banking UK.

Fee amount

£ 0

Type of payment

Domestic payment

Make a payment to a bank located within the UK (including Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man and Great Britain). A domestic payment can be made from and to all available currency.

Fee amount

£ 0

Type of payment

International payment

Make a payment to a bank located outside the UK.

Fee amount

£ 0