We have a wonderful life
Make a plan with your partner to take care of your family if something happens.
Your ice-breaker
Your ice-breaker
We have a wonderful life. I couldn't ask for a better < partner in crime / parent to our kids / soulmate >, but we have to talk about what will happen to our family and finances if something were to happen to us.
Let's < grab lunch / get together / make a money date> and talk about making a plan for how to take care of them in case we are no longer able to.
Our < kids / life / things> can be a lot to handle. We should touch base about what we want to leave behind, and who we want to take care of that for us just in case. I know this is a tough conversation, but we’ll both feel better if we are on the same page.
Print this page on paper or as pdf to save your ice-breaker.
You can also use your ice-breaker to discuss with your advisor.