Bring up money with your friends.

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Your ice-breaker

Recently I’ve been thinking about money and I’ve noticed we don’t really talk about it. We talk openly about most things, so why not money? I read that most women aren’t involved in their long-term finances, and that < surprises me / unnerves me / makes me want to do something > . It just seems like a really important topic we should be talking about.

Can we make an effort to talk about money more? Maybe we could do it  < over lunch / while the kids play / after work >.

Sharing how we all < budget / plan for retirement / make investment decisions > would help me in making my own plans, and make me feel < more empowered / less overwhelmed/ eager > to participate in my finances. I really appreciate our friendship, and this is just one more thing we can share together.


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You can also use your ice-breaker to discuss with your advisor.