Strategic Planning for Business Owners
A series of relevant and timely topics of interest for owners of closely-held businesses. Listen to learn more about retirement and exit planning, understanding and increasing the valuation of your business, exploring M&A opportunities, integrating personal financial planning with business strategies, increasing the readiness vs. attractiveness of your business, strategically investing net proceeds from your sale, de-risking your business and protecting its value, life after exit, and much more.
UBS Advisor Podcasts

Preparing for the Sale of Your Closely Held Business
The decision to exit a business is often very personal and complex for its owner. In order to ensure personal, family and business goals are achieved, a thorough plan should be put into place. Planning appropriately can be an essential component for protecting and preserving the value of an owner’s company for him or herself and heirs. Financial advisors and planners are an essential resource to business owners and their families looking to engage in detailed planning prior to, during and after a major liquidity event.

Reinsurance’s impact on dealerships and power sports industry
In this episode, Steven Young, Senior Vice President and Wealth Advisor at UBS Wealth Management, and Thomas Burt, Senior Vice President–Investments at UBS discuss creating and managing a reinsurance strategy for enhanced wealth creation for the vehicle dealer industry – including trucks and autos, motor sports, water sports, power sports, and aircrafts. Effective use of reinsurance companies can provide better risk/loss management, cost savings on warranty exposure, asset accumulation, increase revenue, and tax efficiency for dealerships. As the market gets more challenging for vehicle sales, people may be holding on to vehicle longer. Having these kinds of options can protect customers and also have advantages for the owners of the companies. Win – win scenario! Give this podcast a listen to learn more about the benefits of reinsurance and how it can enhance your business.

The Benefits of Captive Insurance Companies
In this episode, Steven Young, Senior Vice President and Wealth Advisor at UBS Wealth Management, and Thomas Burt, Senior Vice President–Investments at UBS talk about Captive Insurance Companies - what they are, how they work and who should consider one. For years, savvy business owners have been taking advantage of the many wealth enhancement benefits “captives” provide; namely better risk/loss management, cost savings on insurance premiums, asset accumulation and tax efficiency. With ever increasing P&C costs, now might be right the time to consider setting up your captive insurance company. Tune it to learn more.

M&A in the Transportation Industry
In this episode, Steven Young, Senior Vice President at UBS Wealth Management, and Randy Hooper, partner in Katz, Sapper & Miller’s Business Advisory Group speak to the changing trends in the transportation business and their impacts on M&A in the industry. Listen in as the conversation looks at how the industry has changed from pre-COVID to today. With the pandemic came uncertainty. However, soon after the start of COVID, the world saw just how crucial transportation was to the overall economy. When the world shutdown, transportation did not. According to Hooper, 80% of our nations freight is being brought in on a truck, this really showcased that the transportation industry is reliable and stable, which changed the dynamics for a new group of investors to enter the market. Stay tuned to learn more…

Defining the “Value Relativity” in the transactional world
In this episode, Steven Young, Senior Vice President at UBS Wealth Management, and Chris Blees, CPA/ABV, CM&AA at BiggsKofford CPAs, talk about business valuations with key factors that maximize value. Valuations are an important topic in transitioning a company as it is the center of any deal. There may be other reasons why a valuation would be needed such as a life changing event. The valuation experts are purposed with giving an opinion of value that is used for a theoretical purpose. However, a valuation used for real buyers in the marketplace may vary and can dictate different outcomes depending on the buyer’s motives. Even with looking at the same data, variations and range can be quite substantial. Every business owner should understand the value and the metrics of their company. This episode also reveals factors that can add to or detract from the perceptions of value differently for owners vs. buyer when it comes time to sell.