Closing of service prices
You may have already asked yourself what the item “Balance closing of service prices” in the overview of the account transactions actually means.
Tip: You can find the detailed price calculation in your account statement. Click here to open it directly in your UBS Safe.
What is the "Balance closing of service prices"?
What is the "Balance closing of service prices"?
The fees for services that you have used are calculated and debited at the end of each month.
For example, monthly costs incurred for
- Your banking package
- LSV orders
- Cash withdrawals from ATMs
- Express surcharges for urgent payments
- Paper invoices
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Here, things get a bit more complicated:
Here, things get a bit more complicated:
If you have a UBS banking package or construction financing, we provide discounts on services or completely exempt you from certain fees.
So that you can see how you benefit, the costs and discounts are detailed at the end of your monthly account statement. The result of this calculation is called the "Balance closing of service prices".

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