Query, change or delete a payment
You have entered a payment, but the money never arrived at the recipient's account? Or do you want to delete a payment that you had already commissioned? We will show you how to proceed.
Inquiries from page 21
Tip: You can change or delete pending payments free of charge if you have entered them in UBS E-Banking or the UBS Mobile Banking App.
How to start an inquiry
How to start an inquiry
On your computer
1. Log in to your E-Banking
2. Click on Assets & Investments, then on Accounts, then on Transactions

3. Select the payment you wish to query

4. Click Start inquiry

5. Read through the terms and conditions and click Accept

6. Fill in the needed details and click on Submit

Your inquiry is now under way, our clarification center is on it and will get back to you shortly.
How to change or delete a payment
How to change or delete a payment
Entered payments can be changed or deleted at any time and free of charge until the execution date (value date). Unfortunately, individual payments of a collective posting cannot be deleted individually.
Pending payments
You can find pending payments in E-Banking under Payments, then click on Payments on record, and there on Pending payments.
Executed Payments
Payments that have already been executed can no longer be modified or deleted. In this case, you have two options:
- Contact the payment recipient and arrange for a correction or refund. (Assuming the payment was triggered in error, duplicate or incomplete).
- Or you trigger an inquiry via E-Banking - see above.
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