Problem with your debit account

The problem may be with your debit account. The following problems may occur in this instance:

  • Credit or prepaid card
    The credit card has expired.
  • A UBS account
    • UBS account has been deleted
    • UBS Digital Banking hasn’t been activated
    • UBS account has been blocked

Learn about our banking services packages – accounts and cards at a special price. Once you select a UBS account as your method of payment, you can also benefit from a higher transfer limit.

  • Balance too low
    Check whether the balance of your debit account is too low to make the payment.

    Make sure that there’s enough money in your UBS account or on your prepaid card, and check whether you’ve reached the limit on your credit card. Try again.

The recipient has blocked you

The recipient can block you if they use a TWINT app that isn’t UBS TWINT. You cannot transfer money to users who’ve blocked you. The best course of action is to contact the recipient directly so that they can unblock you.

Recipient account blocked

You cannot transfer money to users whose UBS TWINT accounts have been blocked. Only the recipient can reactivate their UBS TWINT account. The pending payment is automatically canceled if the recipient doesn’t register within four days.

Recipient not registered

If the recipient hasn’t yet registered for UBS TWINT, you can send them an invitation to use the app via text message. The pending payment is automatically canceled if the recipient doesn’t register within seven days.