Financial decisions are also for women
In 4 out of 5 families, the man is the main breadwinner. That’s why many women leave financial decisions to their partner. However, this is risky.
Whoever contributes most to household income makes the decisions. This is how, in simple terms, the results of the UBS Investor Watch Study can be summarized. Sixty-nine percent of women surveyed do not involve themselves with long-term decisions. One of the main reasons: 4 out of 5 women say that their partner is the main breadwinner, which is why they leave the financial decisions to him. But this is risky.
Encouraging results
Encouraging results
There are many reasons why women should take more interest in their finances. Higher life expectancy, career breaks or part-time work underline the importance of retirement planning. In addition, a lot of women are faced with financial surprises during the course of their lives. In the UBS study, 9 out of 10 women said that they’d been negatively surprised after divorcing their husband or following his death. But the results offer some encouragement too in that 88 percent of women who involve themselves in long-term financial decisions say they are less worried about their future.
Because a personal conversation is worth a lot
Because a personal conversation is worth a lot
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