Investment Management
Exercising rights and responsibilities
Exercising rights and responsibilities
In the UK, for the external custody business of Investment Management, it is the responsibility of the third-party custodian to inform the client in respect of AGMs and EGMs and to manage the exercise their voting rights.
For the internal custody business post Brexit, Credit Suisse (UK) Limited does not deem UK listed companies to fall under the Shareholder Rights Directive II (SRD II), which is a European Union (EU) directive. In respect of UK listed companies Credit Suisse (UK) Limited does not forward notifications AGMs and EGMs to its clients, nor does it exercise their voting rights.
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Our mandate offering is a specific and bespoken agreement between the client and the bank which comes with a high level of investor discretion. The key metrics depend on various aspects such as e.g. client preferences, risk profiles and the chosen strategy.
Please reach out to your relationship manager to get more information.
Learn more about the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation
‘Investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and you may get back less than the amount you invested.‘