Credit Suisse Wealth Management APAC app feature list

Features for clients booked in UBS AG, Australia Branch.

Portfolio Overview

Review key details of your portfolio group(s) at a glance:

  • Performance over a selected time period(s)
  • Cash and cash equivalent balance
  • Balance available to invest
  • Income and expenditure
  • Asset class or currency allocation

Review detailed information relating to your portfolio(s):

  • Positions' viewer
  • Performance comparison against selected benchmarks
  • Cash account balances and activities
  • Historical transactions


Easily find instruments, related research and latest market news on your device:

  • View global and regional market news
  • Track the performance and other pertinent data relating to companies, financial instruments, and major indices
  • Access to the latest Credit Suisse/UBS Research publications
  • Insights, watch the video

Watchlist & Notifications

Monitor your selected financial instruments with timely updates:

  • Create a personal multiple asset watch list of financial instruments
  • Subscribe to notifications on foreign exchange (FX) and equity trade activity, and market data events


Seize market opportunities in major global exchanges:

  • Trade securities (equities, ETFs) on major global exchanges
  • Execute foreign exchange (FX) spot and forward trades
  • View an up-to-date history of orders placed for a portfolio including the status of more recently executed transactions

eDocuments and Go Green

Access electronic copies of key bank documents:

  • Access and download the latest bank statements, correspondences, and advices in electronic format
  • Access archived copies (up to 24 months) with ease whenever you need
  • Have the option to go paperless and suppress physical printing and mailing of selected notifications, statements, confirmations, advices and correspondences
  • Click for Go Green document list

Mobile token

Simple, swift, and secure access, without a physical security device:

  • Conveniently access the App without using a physical security device
  • 2 simple steps to complete the one time set up
  • Watch the tutorial video


Easily update your contact details via the App:

  • Add/Remove your mobile number or email address and select the account(s) to apply the change
  • Change the notification preferences for your mobile number(s) and email address(es)
  • Choose the preferred mobile number/ email address used for the Credit Suisse WM APAC app

Consolidated Investment Statements

Overview of your portfolio(s):

  • Create a consolidated investment statement across accessible portfolio groups
  • Elect to receive the investment statement either ad-hoc or on a monthly basis
  • To learn more about consolidated investment statements, click here(PDF, 1 MB)

Important information